Occipital Nerve Blocks are minimally invasive and highly effective in lessening strength and decreasing the frequency of headaches. This procedure involves the injection of a long-lasting anesthetic around occipital nerves, which are a frequent cause of persistent headaches. If Occipital Nerve Blocks lessen the strength and frequency of headaches, then Occipital Nerve Ablation will be recommended. Occipital Nerve Ablation desensitizes a small area of the nerve tissue using an electrical current, which stops the transmission of painful signals.
Conditions Treated:
Occipital Nerve Blocks and Occipital Nerve Ablation are commonly recommended for patients with the following conditions:
What to Expect:
Occipital Nerve Blocks: procedure length <5min. Patients start experiencing significant relief from headaches almost immediately. The expected duration of pain relief is several days. Occipital Nerve Ablation: procedure length: <10min. Patients start experiencing significant improvement in the frequency and severity of headaches within 2 weeks following the procedure. The expected duration of pain relief is 12 months. If requested by the patient, this procedure can be done with IV sedation. Please note that if IV sedation is requested, the patient would need to bring a driver with them on the day of the procedure.
Botox Injections are very quick and highly effective in alleviating pain associated with chronic migraines and neck spasms. Botox Injections prevent a muscle from spasming for a period of 3-6 months, thus alleviating pain.
Conditions treated:
Botox Injections are commonly recommended for patients with the following conditions:
What to Expect:
Procedure length: <5min. Patients start experiencing significant pain relief within 3-5 days following the injection. The expected duration of pain relief is 3 to 6 months.
Trigger Point Injections are designed to reduce pain associated with painful trigger points and tight and overworked muscles. Painful muscles can be present in various areas but are usually found in the neck, middle, and lower back. Frequently, more than one Trigger Point Injection is needed to achieve durable pain relief from muscle pain and tightness, as well as improved flexibility.
Conditions Treated:
Trigger Point Injections are commonly recommended for patients with the following conditions:
What to Expect:
Procedure length: <2min. Patients start experiencing significant pain relief within 2-3 days following the procedure. The expected duration of pain relief is several months.
Anesthesiologist and Pain
Treatment Specialist
Anesthesiologist and Pain
Treatment Specialist
Physician Assistant
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State-of-the-art equipment, evidence-based practices, and a comprehensive treatment approach to help you get better.
Our physicians are fellowship-trained and are ready to provide all patients with compassionate, empathic, and safe care.
We collaborate closely with local surgeons, physical therapists, and mental health counselors to expedite your recovery.
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